
Press Release Ohio Auditor of State

Taylor Releases Performance Audit of Delaware Area Career Center

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Delaware County - Auditor of State Mary Taylor today released the performance audit of the Delaware Area Career Center. The audit was conducted at the school’s request and outlines several recommendations that, if fully implemented, could save the career center $740,000 annually.

“This performance audit will assist Delaware Area Career Center officials in their effort to identify cost-saving opportunities as they continue to enhance operations,” Taylor said.

The performance audit of the Delaware Area Career Center reviewed human resources, program deployment, facilities management and fixed asset management. Auditors recognized the career center for achievements in developing a strategic plan to guide its operations and using leading practices in managing its facilities-related management information.

The recommendations to save $740,000 annually include:

  • Developing a formal staffing plan and adjusting staffing to levels that are sustainable and
    similar to other career centers

    Implementing a formal staffing plan could help the school balance staffing needs in relation to
    program needs and could save $574,000 annually.
  • Negotiating changes to certain employee benefits
    Mirroring the fringe benefits of peer school districts and state averages could save $166,000 annually.

Other recommendations focused on improving its marketing efforts to potential students, strengthening internal communications, developing a facilities master plan, and identifying opportunities to increase cooperative purchasing.

Performance audits report on the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations through peer comparisons and benchmarking to industry standards. A performance audit is a valuable tool for agencies seeking to improve operations, identify cost savings and make better use of existing resources.

Since taking office, Taylor has released 85 performance audits outlining 2,858 recommendations for improvements. Those recommendations, if fully implemented, could result in potential cost savings of more than $142 million annually.

A copy of the complete audit is available online at www.auditor.state.oh.us.


The Ohio Auditor of State’s office is a leader in the accounting and auditing field, earning prestigious national honors from the Government Finance Officers Association, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National State Auditor’s Association.

Steve Faulkner
Deputy Press Secretary
(614) 644-1111