
Press Release Ohio Auditor of State

Taylor Releases Village of Lockland from Fiscal Watch

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hamilton County -

Auditor of State Mary Taylor today released the village of Lockland from fiscal watch. The village was placed in fiscal watch more than five years ago based on existing fund deficits. Since that time, members of the Auditor of State’s Local Government Services section have worked with the village to assist with its economic recovery.

“This announcement is welcome news for the Lockland community,” Taylor said. “I am pleased that my office was able to assist village officials as they dealt with this fiscal crisis.”

The village was placed in fiscal watch on September 30, 2003 due to its deteriorating financial condition and fund deficits of $451,702 which existed at the end of fiscal year 2002.

On August 19, 2008, Taylor released the results of a special audit investigation of the village of Lockland Mayor’s Court. The report identified two employees who established various schemes to defraud the village out of more than $315,000.

The Auditor of State’s Local Government Services section serves as a consulting and fiscal advisory group to all governmental agencies and subdivisions. The section issues publications, accounting manuals and advisory bulletins to assist local governments with their duties.

A copy of the complete analysis is available online at www.auditor.state.oh.us.
